2024 REBID - CIP 455-695 Lift Station 59 Effluent Line Improvements Project

Engineer's Estimate: $1.2-$1.4M | The Work shall include the following modifications, replacements and improvements: • Design, furnish, install, disassemble and hand over temporary bypass system; • Furnish and install new isolation knife gate valve on the manifold; • Furnish and install new ball valve; • Construct new flow meter vault with associated fittings and sump pump; • Connect new flowmeter to the control room and sump pump to existing panel inside pump house; • Leak test and hydrostatic pressure test of the new components and sub-systems; • Field calibration of flowmeter; • Final testing and commissioning of the project as a fully functional and operational system; • Cleanup and restoration of the construction work area within the LS59 yard construction zone.


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date7/30/24 10:30am

Bid Date9/10/24 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Foster City
Ryan Marquez (Senior Civil Engineer)  
650 258 3588


Foster City, CA 94404